Light it Right: Ambient Lighting

"Because light alone among the designer's tools is constantly changing throughout the day, with one light source capable of expressing so many different moods, it is the home's fourth dimension."
Alexsandar Rublek – lighting designer


Lighting done right in living room

Lighting, when done well, makes a statement in a home and can truly change it from average to extraordinary. When choosing the lighting for your home, there are quite a few things to consider: What is the purpose of the room? How much natural light does the room receive? Are there any focal points that should stand out? What type of lighting should be used?

The last question is one that can make the biggest difference. There are three general types of lighting- ambient, task, and accent. Which is the best? The answer is a mixture of all three. In order to create a room with layers and personality, all three types of lighting are needed. Too often people assume one type will be enough and this can keep the space from reaching its full potential. When lighting is done correctly, it should almost seem as though it is a natural part of the room. Over the next couple of weeks we will delve into the different types of lighting. This week we will be featuring Ambient Lighting.

Ambient Lighting

ambient lighting
Ambient lighting is the base layer of lighting in your home. This type of lighting is used to illuminate your space. It keeps the areas of your home balanced and uniform when it comes to the amount of light in the room. Ambient lighting should be the general source of lighting which allows you to complete basic, everyday tasks such as walking from point A to point B. Because this type of lighting engulfs your entire space, it can really set the atmosphere of a room. Often on a dimmer switch, this lighting can be brightened to give a clean, awakening feel or dimmed to create a more personal and intimate space. 
Ambient lighting comes from many different light fixtures including:

Ceiling or Wall Mount Fixtures

Ambient lighting in family roomambient lighting design in family roomambient lightingambient lighting designambient lighting in living roomambient lighting wall mount fixturesambient lighting bathroom fixtureambient lighting bathroomambient lighting dining room

Chandeliers and Pendants

dining room chandelierambient chandelier bedroomdining chandelierdining chandelierbedroom chandelierfamily dining room chandelier ambient lightingmodern dining room chandelierkitchen chandelierisland pendants

Track or Recessed Lighting

recessed lighting ambient lightingkitchen track lightingfireplace can lightingkitchen track lightingfireplace can lightingbasement can lightingkitchen track lightingfamily room track lightingrecessed lighting
Check out part 2 of this series where we will discuss the purpose of task lighting and show you examples of how to utilize it in your home.

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