Turning the Bad into something Beautiful.

We're setting the holiday mood! Candlelight Shopping Nights start tonight. Every Thursday Night from here until Christmas we will be extending our hours until 8pm so that we can bring you a peaceful shopping experience. From 5:00pm-8:00pm, come sip and shop by candlelight. Trust us, the store looks BEAUTIFUL and what could be better than crossing off your Christmas lists than doing so with a glass of wine?!

It's true, the store is beautiful, but the reason our Candlelight Shopping Nights are some of our favorite nights at the store is because of why they started in the first place. 

Picture this, Small Business Saturday 2020.
A very important day for all small businesses around the world. In fact, some might say the most important day for small businesses. We show up bright and early to prepare the store only to find out we have no power. At all. No heat. No internet. No lights.
Now those three things are some of the fundamental necessities for running a small business. That's fine. We will make due. The electric company told us we would have power back on in an hour or so. So we propped opened our doors, switched on every single LED candle we had, and welcomed in our very loyal (and very cold) customers. A few hours go by and still no electricity. We finally got power at around 3:30pm.
Now this might sound like a sob story but luckily that's not the case. It was actually probably pretty comical watching the two of us running around with our phone flashlights on helping customers read price tags and venturing into the pitch black storage room holding onto one of our LED candles for dear life. And honestly, looking back on it brings us immense gratitude for all of you bearing with us that eventful day! We are so grateful to be surrounded with such amazing people. 
But our favorite part of that day was seeing how beautiful the store looked by candlelight. And that's what we want to share with all of you, although this time we will definitely have heat, internet connection, and a few extra lights on. (Oh, and wine) We can't wait to show you how beautiful Blue Dahlia is at Christmastime so stop on by and let us help you with your holiday decorating and shopping! We can't wait to see you!

Just as a sneak peek of what our store looked like last year basking in the glow of candlelight, check out the photos below.

Candlelight Night at Blue Dahlia Designs

Candlelight at Blue Dahlia Designs

Candlelight Night at Blue Dahlia Designs

Candlelight Night At Blue Dahlia Designs

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